Political Decision Making. The Long and the Short of it.

Political Decision Making. The Long and the Short of it.

Uncertainty about the future is nothing new. In conditions of uncertainty, such as we have now, navigating towards a distant destination is perilous. Conditions change, viewpoints change, but if the destination is clear, then all decisions will point in the same direction toward the objective. Confidence, clarity and focus about this ultimate destination require perseverance and determination.

The long and the short of it is the problem. Short term thinking only leads to short term answers.

Hot Gossip

Hot Gossip

Gossip is part of our culture. It has fuelled tabloid newspapers, TV shows, and tell-all books and has found itself in many company cultures. The problem is that gossip, more often than not, tends to be negative. It’s a way of talking about someone who isn’t present and to whom you wouldn’t talk in the same way if they were directly in front of you.

Six Socratic Questions for Critical Thinking

Six Socratic Questions for Critical Thinking

The 6 questions of Socratic Questioning are still highly relevant today and indispensable to problem-solving. Problem-solving and critical thinking are indispensable to any creative pursuit or design thinking, where integrity, authenticity, and truth are important. In fact, the Socratic method of questioning is the essence of critical thinking.